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We are powered by Discovery Education (Discovery Channel) Awarded as the best E-School of the year 2023 at the 2nd Indo-lanka Educational Summit & AwardsBest E school of the year 2022 Best school for contribution at international stage by education icon awards Awarded as Most Inspirational Secondary School Academic Excellence Innovation award 2021 Received International Education Symposium Award for contribution to students development Received School Excellence Awards by Brain Feed, Mumbai Awarded for Best Online Courses by Smart Class Received International School Award by British Council Awarded for Best Technology and Digital Course Content by Digital Learning Magazine

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Best E school of the year 2022 Best school for contribution at international stage by education icon awards Awarded as Most Inspirational Secondary School Academic Excellence Innovation award 2021 Received International Education Symposium Award for contribution to students development Received School Excellence Awards by Brain Feed, Mumbai Awarded for Best Online Courses by Smart Class Received International School Award by British Council Awarded for Best Technology and Digital Course Content by Digital Learning Magazine

How does Homeschooling work in Modern Era

How does Homeschooling work in Modern Era

Table of Contents

There are many options when homeschooling, but there are a lot of responsibilities, too. 

In this blog, Sunbeam World School has tried to find out how to incorporate this expanding trend of online education into your family’s routine.

Sunbeam World School is the most engaging virtual school in India and UAE, offering a potent combination of real-world and enjoyable content, peer support, and mentorship from seasoned coaches. Quarantine, personal protective equipment, and sourdough are just a few of the uncommon terms that the pandemic introduced into common usage. However, one term that had the most influence on day-to-day living for parents with children in school is homeschooling or online schools. 

Families awoke to see this formerly remote idea seated at their dining room table (requesting snacks) while classes closed. 

However, homeschooling does not entail going to a formal classroom in your house. Rather, during the closure, the majority of families went through remote schooling with Sunbeam World School, with the continuation of the curriculum and instruction of the physical school their child had previously attended. 

How, then, does Sunbeam World School function?

Technology tools and solutions have emerged to help students shift from traditional schooling and support Sunbeam World School’s efficient learning environment. The recent increase in the popularity of homeschooling and its modernization raises many questions, which we, as a team of Sunbeam World School, hope to answer in this article. 

A global movement known as “homeschooling” refers to an educational approach in which parents supervise their children as they receive their education at home instead of in a traditional classroom. By government laws, parents choose their child’s educational route based on their personality and strengths. 

—Some of the most common reasons for families to choose Online School includes—

  • Different religious and educational views.
  • Discontent with the regular school system and educational options.
  • A simple desire to be actively involved in their children’s education.

Sunbeam World School Advantages 

1. Adaptability and autonomy 

Sunbeam World School firmly supports parents setting the learning rate or time spent learning various courses and materials based on the child’s ability. We believe that it is possible to rearrange the schedule and content of the lessons so that the child and parent receive instruction at the appropriate time.

2. Customised Education 

Sunbeam World School encourages concentration on every student and modifies teaching strategies to fit their unique learning preferences in an online learning environment. 

3. Focus on Learning

Sunbeam World School, therefore, states that being free from outside distractions like boredom, peer pressure, and bullying allows one to concentrate on the learning process fully. 

4. Firm Bonds

Sunbeam World School provides greater family bonding and relationship-building opportunities than spending less time together on weekends or holidays.

Modern practices for homeschoolers suggested by Sunbeam World School 

1. Modify your schedule

Sunbeam World School encourages you to consider the times that your child learns best. Although traditional schools do not consider children’s optimal performance periods, as a homeschooler enrolled with Sunbeam World School, you can use your freedom and flexibility to modify the timetable to fit your child’s needs. 

2. Examine your objectives 

We at Sunbeam World School firmly believe that your child will feel more accomplished and motivated if you set reasonable goals for them to achieve. As the school year goes on, assessing and modifying your goals seems sensible. You might create many other types of goals, including character, physical, educational, and personal. Remember that changes can be made as you go along, and print them off and review them every two weeks.

3. Consider serving others 

As Sunbeam World School exposes children to various aspects of the community, volunteering is an excellent educational tool (i.e., homeless animal shelters, nursing homes, or food banks). Sunbeam World School suggests parents provide their children an option so they can discover what piques their attention. 

4. Include life skills in your curriculum

Sunbeam World School advises parents to get their child involved in housecleaning by teaching them how to cook, clean, or do the laundry. Younger children might be taught how to tie laces, fasten buttons, and assist with cleanup. These abilities may be just as useful as those acquired in a classroom.

To learn more about how a customized education can help your child succeed academically, regain confidence, and set themselves up for success, visit Sunbeam World School’s Website. You can also Make an appointment for a demo right now!



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